I take a step back and look for new ways to empower employees to succeed.

As an HR Business Partner it’s important that I’m aware of how I approach different people.

This is MY INNOVATION story

HRBP-Commercial & L&D | Devinder Kaur

I take a step back and look for new ways to empower employees to succeed.

Just like our lives, our workforce is made up of all different types of personalities, so as an HR Business Partner it’s important that I’m aware of how I approach different people. Understanding how different personalities work and why, helps me to better support their success. Let’s take career development as an example. Not everyone can see a clear path to achieving long-term success, some employees find it difficult. They don’t know where to start.

Taking a proactive, innovative approach to career development empowers our employees – in the unique way they need – to aim high and work toward a bright future.

If you’re looking for the freedom to introduce and develop new ideas, we’d love to hear from you.

For more information, please visit www.mks.com/careers
See more MY INNOVATION Stories.